Saturday, November 1, 2008

This week's.......

Since this has obviously become a regular feature of my blog, I might as well give it some proper respect. So here it is! You know you've all been waiting for it!

Introducing - the always captivating... sometimes creepy... never disappointing.....

I was spraying some organic pesticide on my plants this morning.

And then I saw this green spider-like creature.

I had to stop spraying the pesticide.

It's easy to be the merchant of death when you are oblivious to what you are killing. Like launching a Smart Bomb from 600 miles away.

It is harder to kill things when you are looking right at them.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

So happy you didn't kill the beautiful green spider. I don't think he is a plant killer. Great photos and I LOVE your header!
I posted a bug for you on my blog today.
Talk to you tonight?